Wednesday, March 18, 2009



wahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!aku dah nak exam final.............
kejap je rupenye 1st year ni..pejam celik je( byk kali la tp) dah nak final...
td aku dah dpt semangat baru untuk final ni
sangatla hepi x terkate

(sarah...mintak maap..hnye yg phm je yg akan phm)

utk yg terdekat ni

24/03/09 : practical physiology (sheet)

questions based on :

ECG--ABP--Hb determination and anemia--ESR--clotting time--bleeding time--prothrombine time--osmotic fragility test--blood groups--haematocrite value


aku dah study ke?

aku n Allah je yg tau jwpnnye..hehe

next is..

07/04/09 : practical biochemistry(sheet)
questions based on:
milk--physical chemistry--electrophoresis--DNA extraction
a message to me :

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