Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

tagged by sarah

1. adakah anda rase anda hot?
hot giler!!! awww!

2.upload wallpaper pc/laptop yang
anda guna sekarang

3.cerita pasal gambar.
one happy family

4.bilakah kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
malam tadi ummu belanje
baberoni & syuberim

5.lagu terakhir anda dengar?
xtau tajuk tp omputihla
....sha lalala in the morning....
umi pasang kat lappy dia mase tgh kemas rumah

6.apa yang anda sedang buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini
men tenet r

7.selain nama sendiri,anda dipanggil nama apa?

8.tag lagi 6 org
abob pepen

9.siapakah orang nombor satu kepada anda?

10.katakan sesuatu mengenai orang nombor lima.

11.nombor tiga ada hubungan dengan siapa?
ubat baraka

12.bagaimana pula dengan nombor empat?

13.pesanan buat nombor enam.
wedu wedu...

14.kata-kata cinta untuk orang nombor dua.
hingga ke akhir usia

15.berikan 5 yang anda tahu tentang org yg men-tag anda
tido met

16.persamaan antara kambing dan lembu
boleh dibela

17.perasaan anda buat tag ini

18.adakah anda tahu si rizman itu sengal?
ntah or les?
wut do u expect???

Monday, January 24, 2011

nah colgate!!! ak balas...ahahahahaha...

1. adakah anda rase anda hot?
>>>sejuk je...x panas pon...nga3...

2.upload wallpaper pc/laptop yang anda guna sekarang

3.cerita pasal gambar.
>>>dak tadika yg cumeyl ngah hapal

4.bilakah kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
>>> b4 midyear exam...dak umah depan bg...
dorg wat sendri kot...sdap dowh!!!

5.lagu terakhir anda dengar?
>>>alunan suara osmet ak ngaji quran...(leh kire lagu ke???)

6.apa yang anda sedang buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini
dari umi...ngehehehehe~

7.selain nama sendiri,anda dipanggil nama apa?

8.tag lagi 6 org
>>>powerpuff girl

9.siapakah orang nombor satu kepada anda?
>>>osmet,rOomet & merangkap tukang masak merah ;p

10.katakan sesuatu mengenai orang nombor lima.

11.nombor tiga ada hubungan dengan siapa?
>>>uish!!! susah soklan nih coz beliau de byk hubungan...
klo ngan en.Khaironi...hub. bapak ngan anak...
klo ngan pn.Rosmiati...hub. mak ngan anak...
byk tgn malas taip dh...ahakz...

12.bagaimana pula dengan nombor empat?
>>>hanyer alia nasir je di hati beliau...(kn alia kn? kn3???)

13.pesanan buat nombor enam.
>>>trime kasih coz dok teman ak jawab exam...
luse teman lg tau...

14.kata-kata cinta untuk orang nombor dua.
cinta ini...kadang2 x ada logika...

15.berikan 5 yang anda tahu tentang org yg men-tag anda
>>>umah dier dekat ngan U (ak jelez)
>>>im not single...(dier ckp kt ak mlm raye)
>>>adek nyer naqib tomey!!! geram3!!!
>>>sgt baik ngan ak...
>>>skang nih mesti ngah ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZz...

16.persamaan antara kambing dan lembu
>>>2-2 bley dimakan...klo wat bakar pon sodap!!! slurrrppp!!!

17.perasaan anda buat tag ini
>>> (-_-) xde prasaan...

18.adakah anda tahu si rizman itu sengal?
>>>seyes sengal soklan nih...coz...
seyes ak x knal sape2 name rizman... or les?
>>> kona2...ahakz...

Friday, June 19, 2009

btol sarah...aku bosan..

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. Last beverage: air sejuk dlm peti ais
2. Last phone call: phone dah ilang..paling last smlm...ayah..ngadu kat die
3. Last text message: tak sempat bace..dah ilang dulu
4. Last song you listened to: playlist saujana..tak ingat yg last ape
5. Last time you cried: aku kan puteri air mate, haha!
6. Dated someone twice: of kos..jahiliah dulu..jujurnye aku.
7. Been cheated on: byk kali..sbb kelampian aku.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: ni aku x penah
9. Lost someone special: beloved atok
10. Been depressed: sokmo
11. Been drunk and threw up: astaghfirullah...
12. biru
13. aqua
14. putih
15. Made a new friend: belambak
16. Fallen out of love: ape ni
17. Laughed until you cried: tu bukan style aku k
18. Met someone who changed you: tahun ni tak lg
19. Found out who your true friends were:aah..lame dah, dq die skang
20. Found out someone was talking about you: penah, haha, smpi la depa taktau, aku dgr tp pkai headfon so dorg ingt aku tak dgr, then aku wat2 nyanyi...kah3! kantoi2...
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:tak penah
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: bykla..
23. How many kids do you want to have: more than 1..
24. Do you have any pets: baru becadang nak beli ikan kaler biru. mane aci kas je ade ikan.
25. Do you want to change your name: besyuko la..
26. What did you do for your last birthday: nothing..aku ni bkn jenis sambut2
27. What time did you wake up today: aku tak tido smpai subuh coz xleh tido mngenangkan nset
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: bermuram durja
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: balik malaysia
30. Last time you saw your Mother: airport time nk dtg sini...umah aku xde tenet, xdenye nak webcam2 cam org len
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nak buang zaman jahiliah dulu
32. What are you listening to right now: saujana
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: tak..tah pape tah soalan
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: dendrites..soma..axon..(sengal)
35. Most visited webpage: iluvislam
36. Whats your real name: Farhanah binti Zakariya
37. Nicknames: yuyu
38. Relationship Status: Single
39. Zodiac sign: Virgo
40. Male or female?: female
41. Elementary?: Tabika kemas parit mahang
42. Middle School?: sekolah kebangsaan parit mahang
kafa integrasi nurul huda
43. High school/college?: sam jeram, sam bestari, smka kuala selangor, smk dr burhanuddin (power x aku???)
44. Hair colour: black45. Long or short: tanye penyangak semalam
46. Height: 146 kot
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: x ingat
48. What do you like about yourself?: being cute, hahahah
49. Piercings: aku lari dr kedai emas mase nk kene tindik dulu
50. Tattoos: menghuduhkan kulit
51. Righty or lefty: righty
52. First surgery: blom penah
53. First piercing: xkan
54. First best friend: fatimah..kawen dah die skrg, hafizah lg.
55. First sport you joined: aku tau lari je
56. First vacation: kalau ngan family pulau pinang
58. First pair of trainers: ade plak ea?
59. Eating: baru je, lisa msk spageti
60. Drinking: air kosong sejuk
61. I'm about to: pray
62. Listening to: saujana
63. Waiting on: kene taqdim, hahaha..xdelah..x sabo nak abes exam.
64. Want kids?: mesti r
65. Get Married?: nak r..
66. Career?: doctor to be
67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: both
69. Shorter or taller: aku rendah je
70. Older or Younger: younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms
73. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant
76. Kissed a stranger: nope
77. Drank hard liquor: nope
78. Lost glasses/contacts: ade, xmo pakai.
79. Sex on first date: bengong
80. Broken someone's heart: mungkin
82. Been arrested: nope
83. Turned someone down: xtau
84. Cried when someone died: yes
85. Fallen for a friend?: jahiliah dulu
86. Yourself: insyaAllah
87. Miracles: kun fayakun
88. Love at first sight: mcm pelik je. byk dah aku ter 1st sight. x fallen pon
89. Heaven: negeri idaman
90. Santa Claus:aku islam la
91. Kiss on the first date: x boleh
92. Angels: keliling ade
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: jahatnye lah
95. Did you sing today?: hari ni blom lg. slalu aku nyanyi ngan nset. skrg die dah xde
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: tipu sunat
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: balik malaysia
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? : ari nak terbang sini
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: takot...susah woo nak jage hati
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: soalan 81 n 93 mane?
alamak, tetibe malas lak. biar jela warna ni tunggang langgang
agak2 rajin aku edit, hahhahaha!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

n i k E j e d e A l o v A

nur syazwani: anda di tag. sile dtg ke blog saya

waktu:hari ni
ketika:aku nga wtpe nta,xigt..sedar2 aku dpt msg diatas.

perasaan:sengal r

ucapan:ak mne reti wat pon uu ajar.mekasih erk.
penghargaan: 1)time kaceh wani,mst ko rndu aku kan?almaklumla,dh lme xjmpe kak umi yg comel ini.kan2?tu la,lnkali rjin2la dtg uma ye.bwk fon skli ye.kui3.
2) uu a.k.a rumet xrasmi,sekalung penghargaan sbb ajr ak.t ak tag ko.ngee~

Name 5 people you can think of right of the top of your head. Don't read the questions until you write the names of the 5 people. No cheating please!

>>mak,rosmiati suratnu

>>ibtisam humaira


>>p ramlee


Reminder : Don't read ahead unless you fill above names first.

: How do you meet 1?
mse sperm bapak bjye pecahkan dfend ovum mak.tu pn ngn bantuan sperm batch ayh.kui3

: How long have you known 4?
since bapak ajk tgk pndekar bujang lapok.tu la 1st time knl die.klakar gler.

: How do you know number 3?
mse kt time tu kerek giler minah ni.xtegor ak lgsung.pstu die bla dri ukm tu,die msuk uia.tup2 jpe blik kt ildas.kt mesir ni pn jpe g,dpan uma.hurm,mne2 pn jpe.isk3

: Where 5?
nme arab iskandariah.nme english alexandria.skrg ak xtw die ngah wtpe.tdo kot.mak sruh contact die.nti2 la ye mak.ngee~

: A Fact about number 1?
mak msk sdapp,,blik t nk sruh mak msk her so much.mak slalu psan,kak blaja pndai2 dptkan A,dptkan no 1.2 la psan mak dri dlu...

: Who is no 4 going out with?
alfatihah....xpnah jpe die arwah pn...

: Would you live with number 3?
yup,for 6 no 3:ko mntk la cane syarat pn,ko still xley join PAS erk.never ever.

: What do you like about no 2?
adik klakar tgk gelagat die.rindu sama kamoo...

: Do you miss number 5?
xlgsung.die jahat.huhu

: Would you make out with number 4?
xmo.die jd arwah dah.bce kan yasin je bole..

: What's your opinion of number 2?
klakar.comel cam si akak yg sulong nieh.ngeh3

: What is your fav memory with number 5?
mse die kne kjar ngn mak sbb die pegi start kter tuu.mak time da la nga msk,dgr je enjin krte tu hdup,trus mak kjr smbil mlut mengomel.ape lagi,lintang pukangla die ngn adik yg no 3 tu lari.nyorok kt kebun kakik.time tu die umo 6taon kot.hahaha
: What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2
mak mmg slalu pn ajk number 2 tue.bapak xjlez kan?kan2?haha
: How often do you talk to number 1?
once a week.sbb dpt col free time kdg2 xfree pn col kes rindu sgt la.hik2
: Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
mu,ko anggap ak pe??

: May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
nak2.ngn syarat die tanggung makan ak.haha

: What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
he did smue crte die wt aku gelak.

who do you want to tag :
>>umu aqilah

>>sarah radhowan


mntk maaf la korng.tpkse tag.wt tw.t cikgu mrh klo xsiapka.haha

p/s PAS tu persatuan anak2 sulong tw.not PAS yg kale hijau tue.hoho

Monday, April 6, 2009

...:::ALL IN ONE:::...

malas nak asingkan punya pasal, buat je semua dlm 1 post.

tagged by huda

1.adakah anda seorang perempuan?lelaki?pondan? atau..tuuutttt..
nisa' of course
2.jika anda melihat seseorg diragut,apa yg akn anda buat?
''weyh, tgk budak kene ragut...''
3.sebutkn 2 jenama kopi 3 in 1 yg digemari anda.
maap, minum kopi x tgk jenama..
4.adakah anda akan berkahwin suatu hari nanti?
5.adakah anda pengguna celcom?plan apa?(upax/celcom blue/%$%#$%)
etisalat..takde plan2, haha, kt mesia, yup. using celcom..bese punye je
6.sebutkan ciri2 lelaki idaman anda
acuan al-Quran
7.apakah yg akan dilakukan oleh anda apabila terasa bosan?
8.sebutkan destinasi pertama yg akan anda pergi,jika sudah mendapat lesen keta.
kedai atan
9.adakah anda suka menyanyi??lagu apa???
suke giler...nasyid ler..
10.jika ada lelaki yg bukan muhrim bertanyakan tentang rambut anda,("rambut ag cmna?")apa yg akan anda jawab?
sibok jer
11.sila beristighfar 5 kali ..dan zikir lailahaillallah 5 kli (klu xiklas xpayah)
12.sila tag owg len klu anda seorg yg comel (haha!)
no need tag2 org di musim exam ni, sumer busy



we did it!
jenjalan pagi2 kat istad
sgt hepi!!!

jadual final exam

written : 14/05/09
practical :20/05/09 (kot)
oral : 20/05/09

practical : 30/04/09
written : 28/05/09
oral : 30/05/09

practical : 27/04/09
written : 13/06/09
oral : 19/06/09

practical : 29/04/09
written : 25/06/09
oral : 29/06/09



Thursday, April 2, 2009

...:::TAG 3:::..

1. Copy badge “2008/2009 Cute’s Award” at my blog
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kpd anda
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya
4. Pilih 5 penerima award yg lain dan nyatakan nama mereka
5. Jangan lupa melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen menyatakan mereka telah di tag.
tagged by iman
the one who ask me to follow her blog and now i'm following...hehe
as me..she's medic student but dif prog.
love blogging i guest..isn't it iman???
love to gaduh2 wif zay, hahaha!
less cute than me, haha!to iman-sorry for being too honest..hihi..
ape tah lg...tak bek bukak aib org, haha
10 facts 'bout me...
* luv reading...books...
*doctor to-be
*6, da eldest n 5 brothers, hohoho
*housemates to-be: sara-ummu-umi
*tido..true fact.
*pucuk ubi--kentang--wat else???
i luv to tag:
wani dealova
dats enough...
maleh..biar depa tau sendiri yg depa tu di tag oleh aku

Monday, February 9, 2009


1. Who tagged you?
2. Do you like tags?

ekceli tags yg like saye
3. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
bangun tido trus jadi doktor
4. What is your current mood?
5. What will you do if your crush says he/she adores you too?

6. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
wat kind of ???
7. Which will you prefer, loving someone or being loved by someone?
8. What is your favourite food?
nasi + ikan kembung goreng + pucuk ubi + sambal kacang+kicap manis cap kipas
9. If the person you dislike is right in front of you, what will you do?
10. What do you pray each day for your loved ones?
with Allah's love
11. What takes you down the fastest?
12. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
doktor...wife...mother... ahakz!
13. What is the reason that could make you so tensed up?
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
yg aja saye melukis tp x abes.. n die da 2 kali tag saye
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
tah pape
16. Would you sacrifice for your loved ones?
of kos..
17. What’s the character must have in your partner?

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneusly, who would you like to pick?
takkanla kot
19. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?Forget?
20.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?

human being is not alone...''relationship'' here means ''nikah''...not dat ''type''..phm2la ye
21. what is your most embrassing moment?
lampi slalu..
22. Who are the 5 person that you would like to tag?
no one

Thursday, February 5, 2009


List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people
1. cumel...wahahaha..
3.jauh dirantau org..
4.sensei to be..
5.bibik kot..huhu kaler..
7.ank sulong pmpn sorg
8.xley tido xde lampu (penakut)

First name: farhanah
Name you wish you had: tak penah terfikir plak
People call you as: yuyu...guess y???
Birthday: 3 sept 1989
Time of birth: 11.01 pagi waktu tempatan

How tall are you: 145 cm...''tinggi'' kan???
Wish you were taller: bersyukur sudah..heheh..
Eye color: sebok je nak tau
Short or long hair: rhsia ler
This or that:Pepsi or coke: boikot!
Rap or rock: none
Relationship or one night stand: x phm..
love or money: luv la..cewah
country or city: x phm
friends or family: or...haha

Favourite song: yg tgh main dalam blog nih
Fav singer: none
Do you play any sports:men bola sepak, kui2

8 org yg ak nk nyusahkan idop:
xpela....tak baik susahkan hidop org....hehehehe